El Tue, 24-08-2010 a las 18:38 -0400, Martin Langhoff escribió:

> Looking at the F-14 tea leaves, I think we'll have separate Fedora and
> Debian init scripts for a while ;-)

Indeed... Will Linux distros ever converge to a common init system ever
again? All bets are off.

> [ I am split between Go Lennart it's worth it! and OMG, PulseAudio all
> over again (the breakage, the flamewars)! Maybe he should have used an
> alias for this particular project... ]

To warn users, at least it should have been named SystemKit or another
CamelCase name of that type. The familiar "systemd" names makes it sound
like something harmless. :-)

[I've also seen your other posts, but once again it's 2am and I only
have energy for rants]

   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/

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