On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 08:21:02PM -0600, Anna wrote:
> Trying disk:\fs.zip
> Trying ext:\fs.zip
> Trying NANDblaster
> Boot device: /dropin-fs:nb15_rx Arguments:  ssid:OLPC-NANDblaster
> Scan for: OLPC-NANDblaster found
> Associate with: OLPC-NANDblaster
> Waiting for server

Yes, the XO-1.5 firmware attempts NANDblaster.  However, you might
override this by attempting fs-update over HTTP:

        ok fs-update http:\\server\os860-4g.zd

I've just tried this here, and the green boxes cease on about the second
line.  I remember I had to increase the maximum request duration on
Apache last time I tested it.

James Cameron
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