I have a XS setup at a remote location in India, where the XS has a
Ethernet port set up as WAN, and a Mesh antenna (USB) set up as the
LAN interface. We've used the Ethernet WAN port via a crossover cable
via Internet-connection-sharing via Windows XP via a USB 3G modem
(make sense?). I use OpenVPN to establish a tunnel to this machine
whenever it gets online. This may sound like a complicated setup, but
it works, except for the Windows XP part, which is a bit of work every
time and not very reliable.

Now, we have the possibility of using a compatible USB 3G modem to get
to the Internet directly. I am looking at
to setup the USB stick as the WAN port. I have one shot at this.
Essentially, when I get to the XS, it will be through the Ethernet
port, but when I change things over, its a one shot deal. Anything
else I should concern myself with? Any gotchas?

Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Professor, Information Systems
San Francisco State University
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