On Tue, 2011-10-11 at 20:53 -0700, Sameer Verma wrote:
> Seeing an interesting behavior with XS 0.6 and newer 11.2 XO-1 builds.
> 1) I have a XS-on-XO-1 which shows up in the Neighborhood as
> school-mesh-0 but when I connect the XO client, I get a
> 169.254.xxx.xxx address and the XO won't register. If I connect to
> mesh1, I get a 172.18.xxx.xxx address, and the XO registers.

Just checking... Where is the ssid "mesh1" coming from? Are you changing
the ssid in ifcfg-wmesh0? Or are both active on the XS-on-XO at the same
time? Are you using an AA?

> 2) I am seeing similar behavior with a mesh antenna (prototype black
> box with screw-on antenna) in Bhagmalpur
> (http://bhagmalpur.wordpress.com/)
> I take it that this change of behavior is due to dropping support for
> mesh in newer builds? Any way to change this on the server to gain
> expected behavior ?

More or less, yes. What is happening is when sugar detects an adhoc
network it assumes that the network is link-local and never tries to use
dhcp to gain a network address. If you can switch over gnome and connect
to "school-mesh-0" you should see the network info has been supplied by
the dhcp server on the XS-XO. Once in sugar your back to using


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