On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 4:10 PM, rihowa...@gmail.com
<rihowa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Feb 11, 2012, at 2:17 PM, Sameer Verma wrote:
>> We managed to install XS 0.7 using the CentOS 6.2(minimal) + EPEL +
>> OLPC XS approach. The machine is SolidLogic box (same as the one used
>> in OLPCorps). The installation went well, with minor glitches (notes
>> will be on the wiki).
>> One pattern we've seen is that on XO 1.5 build 883, it keeps
>> restarting X (gives some dcon freeze message) periodically. On a XO
>> 1.5 build 852, it runs ok. Restarting problem was on three different
>> XO 1.5s.
> Actually 2 of the XOs were XO-1s running build 883
> Robert H.

Two XO-1s (Robert's) using build 883, one XO 1.5 (Sameer's) using
build 883, and one XO 1.5 (Cherry's) and one XO 1.5 HS (Aaron's) using
build 852

X restarts were observed on the XO1 and XO 1.5 running build 883. XO
1.5 HS with build 852 did not display this behavior.

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