
The Saint Jabob school in Kigali where I am providing deployment support is not currently allowing the students to take laptops home
because the antitheft capability is not implemented.

The laptops were donated by WCE in Stuttgart. The laptops are locked. The software version installed (852) does not allow the screen to be rotated (a real problem for pdf reading). Recently, OLPC Germany has helped provide the school with some additional laptops, also locked, but with a 860 build.

So essentially, there are two problems. One, being able to install a custom XO and second, to enable the XS-0.7 server to provide activation-leases.

The os-build documentation (http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OS_Builder) suggests that it is possible for a deployment to 'sign' a custom build. If I knew how to do this, it would be possible to install an identical build on all of the schools laptops.

The description of the 'antitheft howto'
implies that this can be done by a deployment based
on the serial-number and uuid.

Somehow I need to get this resolved by Jan. 7 when the new school year
begins so that the students can take the laptops home.

Naturally, all of this must be done without internet access.


On 08/26/2012 06:00 PM, server-devel-requ...@lists.laptop.org wrote:
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Today's Topics:

    1. antitheft (Sameer Verma)
    2. Re: antitheft (Yannick Warnier)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2012 12:41:43 -0500
From: Sameer Verma<sve...@sfsu.edu>
To: XS Devel<server-devel@lists.laptop.org>,      "Devel's in the
Subject: [Server-devel] antitheft
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1


I'm looking to get a sense of how widely antitheft is being used and
to what level of success. There was a post recently where Bruce Baikie
came across 500 XO-1s in Ethiopia, that were locked, but the server
was dead/gone/missing/ so these were unusable. On the other hand, when
XOs are not set up for antitheft, there is attrition (we have some in
one of our Jamaica projects, although its fairly low).

1) Does antitheft work as advertised?
2) What are comfortable parameters for it to work? How many hours
should the lease be?

Not looking for very specific answers...more like a conversation around it.


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