
You may already have heard the news, but I wanted to take a moment to
let you know that I have just concluded my tenure as Engineering
Manager at One Laptop per Child Australia.

It's been a rewarding three and a half years. I joined the
organisation as its first technical resource and established the
Engineering Department. We've created some innovative solutions, and
most importantly it has all been tied closely into a holistic
educational solution. I'm pleased to say that we've made a difference
to the lives of thousands of children.

This was not a proprietary effort - far from it. The community has
been the backbone of everything we have achieved, and I owe a debt of
gratitude to you all.

Walter Bender will be taking over many of my responsibilities, so our
community roots will certainly continue.

I'm not sure what adventure lies next for me, but I hope to be able to
make a positive contribution to the world in whatever I do. I'll be
sticking around on the lists as a lurker.

My address will likely stop working in the near
future, but you can continue to reach me personally:


All the best,
Server-devel mailing list

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