More precisely CentOS tracks RHEL (Redhat enterprise linux).
Fedora is experemental in that features found to be stable in Fedora can be
gated into RHEL.    Another aspect is hardware.  For OLPC Fedora or Ubuntu
is most likely to have hardware support.  Politics appears to open up more
hardware on Ubuntu ....  (WiFi, Gfx).    Centos with alternates should  get
there with some assembly required.
On Jul 28, 2013 3:43 PM, "David Farning" <>

> We are mixing our channels abit here.
> A Sugar based desktop on CentOS is pretty unlikely. As Peter noticed,
> there are many dependencies necessary for a recent Sugar which are not
> present in CentOS. CentOS intentionally lagges fedora by several
> releases for stability. If someone wanted to do it badly enough, it
> would be possible to backport the fedora 18 GTK stack to CentSO
> A school server based on CentOS or Ubuntu LTS is more likely. The
> challenge is remaining compatible with XOs. For hardware
> compatibility, a XO requires recent OLPC-OS versions which are based
> on recent fedora version.
> The step necessary to make XSCE on CentOS run on _Commodity_X86_
> hardware are not that great. The problem is that it would require
> maintain a non-XO branch in parallel with the XO compatible branch..
> Anyone have the time, energy, and flame retardant skin to tackle that?
> :)
> On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 4:41 PM, Thomas Gilliard <>
> wrote:
> > I am having install problems using the i386 6.4 Centos Live Cd/DVD's. Has
> > anyone had kernel panics after install finishes and when rebooting?
> > i7 Laptop with install on USB HD (USB3)
> > -------
> > would like to do Both if it is possible.
> >
> >  But first I would like to setup a USB external HD with centos and
> install a
> > schoolserver on it. As a test system.
> > This could be booted on my system76 i7 laptop (gazelle) using a wired and
> > wireless connection.
> >
> > I have a working install of os885  (11.3.1) on the XO-1.5 Adam lent me
> for
> > testing.
> >
> > Getting a current Sugar-Desktop (Dextrose?) to run on centos would be
> great.
> > The long term stability of centos is very attractive.
> >
> > Please contact Peter robinson about the possibilities. He did an initial
> try
> > as sugar 0.88.1 on Centos as referenced below. But found that it had too
> > many missing dependencies.
> >
> > Cordially
> >
> > Tom Gilliard
> > Bellingham WA.
> > #satellit_e on #schoolserver freenode IRC
> >
> > On 07/26/2013 06:09 PM, George Hunt wrote:
> >
> > If this is referring to whether XSCE will run on centos, that's a
> different
> > question that whether sugar-destop will run on centos.
> >
> > But maybe I'm responding with insufficient information about the
> question.
> >
> > George
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 8:14 PM, Adam Holt <> wrote:
> >>
> >> Jerry,
> >> Can you help at all here?
> >>
> >>
> >> On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 6:10 PM, Thomas Gilliard <>
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Adam;
> >>>
> >>> Peter Robinson (usually on #fedora-arm) asked  me in a PM IRC session
> >>> today to have you contact him:
> >>>
> >>> <satellit_e> has anything  newer been done on centos sugar-desktop?
> >>>
> >>> <pbrobinson> no, we tried it but the dependencies are too old
> >>> <pbrobinson> so it was decided it was more pain than it was worth
> >>> <satellit_e> ok   that was what I just found....:  )
> >>> <pbrobinson> yes, I think 0.88 would likely work and it's likely from
> our
> >>> attempt but 0.88 is ancient so we should likely just kill it
> >>> <satellit_e> I like the long time stability of centos ....too bad
> >>> <pbrobinson> It has it's uses but unfortunately because sugar is moving
> >>> quite fast "long term stability" and "needed and wanted features" tend
> to be
> >>> mutually exclusive. RHEL-7 (and hence likely Cent-OS 7) will likely be
> close
> >>> to supporting what we need for Sugar 1.0 so that might suffice.... but
> then
> >>> I said that with RHEL-6 too
> >>> <satellit_e> I have been playing with schoolserver DX3 and Adam wanted
> to
> >>> know if centos might be used but Way over my head I fear
> >>> <pbrobinson> ask adam to email me
> >>> <satellit_e> ok
> >>> <pbrobinson> if he wants that discussion
> >>> <pbrobinson> presumably DX3 is dextrose?
> >>> <satellit_e> yes
> >>> <satellit_e> olpc....
> >>> <pbrobinson> OK, is it currently fedora based?
> >>> <pbrobinson> (I've never used Dextrose)
> >>> <satellit_e> I have tested it in Ubuntu and on my XO-1.5 and as a vdi
> in
> >>> VirtualBox
> >>> <pbrobinson> not sure what that means
> >>> <satellit_e>
> >>>
> >>> <pbrobinson> no, what I mean is the dextrose distro derived from Fedora
> >>> or something else
> >>> <pbrobinson> not what platforms you ran it on
> >>> <satellit_e> looks like fedora
> >>> <pbrobinson> OK
> >>> <satellit_e> basically for XO-1.5 1.75
> >>> <pbrobinson> if he's really interested in an educated answer tell him
> to
> >>> ping me an email
> >>>
> >>> <satellit_e>
> >>> <satellit_e>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ !
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> >
> --
> David Farning
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