On Sun, 2013-10-27 at 13:20 -0500, Samuel Greenfeld wrote:
> I know that XSCE currently does some customizations, but personally I
> would prefer to see the normal installation process not modify shell
> aliases or prompts unless explicitly told to.

I agree.

> These are more of a user preference than anything necessary for XSCE
> to function. 


> XSCE eventually should not act or install as if it is the sole role
> for a computer even if that is the most common use case.


> ---
> On Oct 27, 2013 10:59 AM, "George Hunt" <georgejh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>         I recently pushed an xs profile to github that will start fine
>         tuning the working environment on the XSCE Now I'm thinking
>         that I should add and collect some functions and aliases which
>         make working with ansible playbooks and github, easier, and
>         require fewer keystrokes.
>         So far I've thought of:
>         runal = runansible $1 -- runansible-playbook with verbose
>         diagnostic ouput to $1 logfile.
>         gc $1 $2= git clone github.com/$1/xsce.git --depth=10 $2 --
>         for quickly getting our own testing branch down to a unit
>         under test
>         pullum = git checkout master;git pull upstream master ( might
>         need to test whether the first command succeeds before
>         executing the second)
>         pushob = git push origin $1(branch)
>         The following aliases are currently available - though not
>         collected into one place in the profile
>         sr = systemctl restart $1
>         st = systemctl status $1
>         vlm = less /var/log/messages
>         du1 = du --max-depth=1 .
>         psg = ps -e|grep $1
>         I'm willing to collect everyone's ideas, test them, and update
>         the system profile.
>         Send me your suggestions.
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