Jerry & All,

1) Is anyone testing Peter Robinson's Fedora 25 Beta on RPi3 yet, as
released Oct 11?

Does the above imply  and are less
needed going forward?  Regardless whether CentOS ever later legit-lands on

2) Is anybody testing George Hunt's work pushing XSCE 6.1 onto RPi3 yet, as
similarly released experimentally in early Oct 3?

3) Is there MicroSD card support for moving entire images from 64GB to
128GB MicroCards (expanding the partition) and back to 64GB later if nec
(shrinking the partition, possibly even to another manufaturer of MicroSD
cards whose partitionable space is slightly smaller by 1% etc?!)

F25 is still ~3 weeks away from final release, and XSCE 6.1 is still
shaking out a couple fixes in general on all platforms, but any
feedback/experiences around the above RPi3 opportunities would be highly
useful to all, as many seek to build authentic community around one or
both/all above approaches !

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