On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 7:16 PM, Adam Holt <h...@laptop.org> wrote:

> In January I and others were apparently spoiled.  Haitians I speak to want
> the old shutdown efficiencies back, as they depend on VERY sparse
> electricity, and therefore have to power off/on very often to
> conserve...unlike us "rich" people who don't care to conserve.  In any
> case, it now in February consistently takes

1.5MIN to shut down, and this is a big problem for them [many Haitians, and

Sometimes (rarely thankfully) it even takes ~3MIN to shut down, when I see
> this on screen:
> - "Stopping MariaDB database server" (appears for ~90sec, possibly due to
> Ethernet/Internet cord recently unplugged)
> *I always now the see the following on screen, while shutting down:*
> - "Deconfiguring network interfaces" (appears for ~75sec)
> Regardless whether Ethernet cord (leading to Internet) is attached or
> not.  If others can help advise how to crack this when many of us are in LA
> for SCaLE next week, that'd be tremendous-  I can also post to the Raspbian
> forums (https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=66) later too,
> if that is advisable, and we're convinced this is Raspbian's doing...maybe
> Josh Dennis can shed light?)
> Extraneous (Likely Unrelated?) Observations:
>    - Bootup takes likewise ~1.5min (sometimes more, sometimes less) but
>    THAT is completely normal, due to extensive XSCE/IIAB services and X
>    Windows etc on this installation (with Raspbian Pixel's desktop apps in
>    this particuliar case).  So the full reboot, used take less than 2min
>    earlier in Jan, consistently and wonderfully, a situation we eventually
>    need to return to :)
>    - "Raspbian 1.2 - February 2017" appears on the screen during the 2nd
>    half of the bootup process, as "apt-get dist-upgrade" was run recently.
>    It's entirely always possible Raspbian "upgrades" here made things worse.
>    Something to look into, if I knew how!
>    - RTC clock seems to lose a full 2 minutes, sometime during the 1st
>    poweroff WITHOUT the Ethernet cord (and live Internet) plugged in.  Not the
>    end of the world ($2 DS3231 RTC modules can't be perfect?) but very weird
>    still.  The RTC seems to hold its time (erroneous time, falling 2 min into
>    the past) consistently after that, even across many reboots, and
>    true-disconnections for several minutes, completely turned off.  Of course
>    NTP tidies up the time within seconds *after* the Ethernet/Internet cord is
>    re-inserted.  Until Internet is lost again, and the clock mysteriously /
>    rather suddenly wanders again :)
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