See you 1PM (NYC Time) Thursday / tomorrow, not too late to RSVP!

How lucky we are to have so many Ethiopia edu/tech/library professionals
all on the same small call -- thanks to everyone who already RSVP'd and see
you very soon.  Agenda:

*Thanks all for updating your Skype software to the latest to avoid
glitches, as we're likely to have about a dozen (or possibly more) people
on this call, and want to get started without A/V snafus Thursday 1PM EDT
sharp.  Even if this call is intended to be audio-only (or introductions are fine as we begin the call...for
those who prefer to introduce themselves using video!)*

On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 2:46 PM, Adam Holt <> wrote:

> Please meet 2 very hard-working volunteers who will share their schools'
> digital library construction ambitions in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia this
> Thursday:
>    - Giuseppe Chiappini, IT professional from Virginia, who is comparing
>    the Edubuntu+Offline Wikipedia approach offered by
>    - Andreas Gros, Facebook analytics engineer from SF, who gave an
>    incredible introduction to his work last week at
> Please note this is an human-centered design & engineering discussion more
> than a formal presentation, from 2 dedicated individuals pushing hard to
> get the right technologies and the right content into the hands of young
> children at 2 schools/centers in Ethiopia's capital, and rather soon.
> As such, all are welcome to this voice call IF you RSVP in advance!  We
> will compare and contrast Giuseppe & Andreas' 2 approaches, and learn more
> about the particulars of their 2 schools' need in Ahmaric, English and
> other languages.  Finally we will discuss how Internet-in-a-Box (formerly
> XSCE) Version 6.2 can and cannot fulfill these specific needs.
> See y'all Thursday 1PM NYC Time, and please view Andi's recent video
> presentation to OLPC San Francisco above (YouTube link above) prior to
> joining Thursday so we can support Giuseppe & Andi as best we can then,
> without retreading old ground!
> We ask that all (including Andi & Giuseppe) post their own topics &
> questions here in advance of and during the call, insofar as you can
> please, so everybody learns what they most urgently need from this call -- 
> *questions
> written into the Agenda/Minutes below will have priority over live
> questions when we inevitably run out of time :)*
> Finally, I don't know if Lidet Tilahun (
> lidet-tilahun-62108817 who organized most of OLPC's famous Ethiopia work
> over the years, such as
> starting around 2008/2009) is available to join us, but I will ask her
> privately if she too might have a minute to say hello during the call too,
> see you then!!
> Adam
> --
> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ !
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