On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 6:08 PM, Adam Holt <h...@laptop.org> wrote:

> Purely a mockup to gather different community ideas leading to a healthier
> spring garden very soon...let us know as Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB/XSCE) 6.2
> release approaches rapidly :-)
>    http://download.iiab.io/6.2
> (e.g. different directory structures will be considered, so long as
> they're very concise, informative to newbies, and preserve history across
> recent versions etc!)
> Meanwhile our main download site should remain http://xsce.org/downloads
> until a possible cutover later...
> PS Above Apache 2.2.15 site has a small flaw in that it shows README.html
> automatically (elegant!) but however fails to show any sign of other html
> files like README_clonezilla.html (until I rename these to README.html --
> or I can try to fix httpd.conf if displaying all html files is
> better/urgent?)

Fixed: IndexIgnore directive in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf had been hiding
all files beginning with README

Conclusion: each README.html is both downloadable + immediately viewable
underneath http://download.iiab.io directory listings.
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