On Sun, Jun 4, 2017 at 2:59 AM, Adam Holt <h...@laptop.org> wrote:

> Thanks all for your understanding that we have almost 10
> countries/communities asking to install Internet-in-a-Box in coming
> days/weeks, and so Monday's meeting will have to be kept tightly on
> schedule.  Yes we may need to crack the whip occasionally to move the call
> forward sticking to the agenda :) laid out in very preliminary form here:
>    http://tinyurl.com/iiabminutes
> Thanks for adding Your Own agenda items to the above, being respectful of
> the very limited time we have for these calls (the guideline is 1-to-2
> hours Absolute Maximum, given so many countries/communities need our
> attention!)  This week that includes Nicaragua, Sierra Leone who will both
> have implementers in attendance, alongside Ghana, Dominican Republic,
> Haiti, Guatemala, Peru also needing immediate provisioning/outfitting in
> coming days/weeks too!
> In other news, a gigantic thank you to those experimenting with prerelease
> versions of IIAB 6.3 on Raspberry Pi, as can be installed with this single
> command on top of Raspbian -- for those willing to jump on board and assist
> this incredible prerelease work, that is already benefiting so many:
>    curl http://download.iiab.io/6.3/rpi/load-master.txt | sudo bash

Fair Warning: this "from scratch" approach to installation takes about 3
hours to complete on a recent install of Raspbian on RPi3, so let it rip
(and monitor it occasionally!)

This is the master branch of (pre-release) Internet-in-a-Box 6.3, so of
course there are no guarantees, but everyone **greatly** appreciates your
feedback/testing observations, as we anticipate a final release very
shortly ("and certainly in June") if all goes well!

While you wait, feel free to read (or improve!) the docs @
https://github.com/xsce/xsce/wiki :)

I believe you need an Ethernet (live Internet) cable installed into that
> back of your Raspberry Pi 3, but others can correct me if I'm wrong (does
> this install method have any shot at all, if you connect your RPi3 to the
> Internet using WiFi instead?)
> *Write to bugs @ iiab.io <http://iiab.io> if you find important bugs, and
> let us know any critical documentation bits that should be added to
> http://FAQ.IIAB.IO <http://FAQ.IIAB.IO> for all, Thanks!!-- Unsung Heroes
> of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org <http://unleashkids.org>
> ! *
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