Internet-in-a-Box 6.6 Preview 2 <> [GitHub
history <>] was effectively just
re-released, including reliability fixes for Kolibri (PR #918
<>) and MongoDB / Sugarizer (PR #919
<>) for schools and medical clinics
that do not (or cannot!) power down gracefully, etc.

*Massive thanks Jerry Vonau...and Everyone, for your ongoing fieldback IIAB 6.6 approaches final release in a few short weeks !*

On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 6:06 AM, Adam Holt <> wrote:

> On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 6:01 AM, Lionel Laské <>
> wrote:
>> Great news!
>> Thanks to all for your support to Sugarizer.
>> @Adam, just released officially v1.0.1 of Sugarizer Server here:
> * Thanks to Lionel and a dozen others for your help over the past week!*
> Consequently Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 6.6 Preview 2
> <> is now released, with 1-line-installers
> that work great on 3 mainline Linux OS's {Raspbian, Ubuntu 18.04 or Debian
> 9.5}.  Regardless whether you choose a "Server" edition or a headless
> "Desktop" edition (version) of your OS:
>    - Try out Sugarizer 1.0.1 at http://box:8089 (and later
>    http://box/sugarizer) after you install Internet-in-a-Box.  TK in the
>    Far East was a tremendous help persisting to weed out a couple vicious 
> bugs.
>    - Arky in Cambodia made incredible contributions including Kolibri
>    0.10.0 as a possible world-changing successor to KA Lite in coming years
>    (KA Lite is the famous learning tool for Khan Academy videos &
>    self-quizzes).  Now you can try out the new Kolibri, using
>    http://box:8009 with the usual account/password
>    <>,
>    after you install Internet-in-a-Box.  In future, http://box/kolibri
>    should also work.
>    - Draft IIAB 6.6 Release Notes
>    <> are more
>    comprehensive than last week, as prep for final release begins in coming
>    days/weeks...
> IMPLEMENTERS: we recommend you first run "sudo apt update; sudo apt -y
> dist-upgrade; sudo reboot" on a clean OS...before installing IIAB 6.6
> Preview 2 using [its] 1-line-installers here:
> CONTRIBUTORS: an amazing 98 tickets have been closed as we approach the
> finish line at ...where almost
> anybody can help knock off a couple of the remaining tickets ...benefiting
> kids & communities around the globe!
>> Best regards from France.
>>        Lionel.
>> 2018-07-13 22:11 GMT+02:00 Adam Holt <>:
>>> Don't worry it's not "666" on Friday the 13th -- the new/preview
>>> Internet-in-a-Box 6.6 Preview largely works on all 3 OS's (Raspbian, Ubuntu
>>> 18.04 and the imminent Debian 9.5
>>> <>
>>> arriving "tomorrow" 2018-07-14!)
>>> Try a fresh install by picking one of Internet-in-a-Box's "1-line
>>> installers" here and letting it rip:
>>> You can choose a MIN-sized, MEDIUM-sized or BIG-sized Internet-in-a-Box
>>> (IIAB).  Whichever you install, first read the security and OS-updating
>>> recommendations at the top of that .txt file, to get yourself safely onto
>>> the latest kernel.  Raspberry Pi peops: use the new 2018-06-27 Raspbian
>>> <> (Lite or Desktop).
>>> PC / x86_64 peops: use either the server edition or the graphical/desktop
>>> edition of any Linux distribution Very Similar to the 3 mentioned above!
>>>    - Sugarizer 1.0.1 was added to IIAB 6.6/master Wednesday 2 days ago
>>>    (for MEDIUM-sized and BIG-sized installs).  Two people have hit
>>>    so-far-unexplained problems with "npm 5.6.0" unable to build the Node.js
>>>    stuff for Sugarizer on RPi 3 and RPi 3 B+ ("cd 
>>> /opt/iiab/sugarizer-server"
>>>    then "npm install" fails and/or runs out of memory on certain RPi 3's but
>>>    not others, despite seemingly identical conditions).  If Node experts can
>>>    help out on Raspberry Pi, that'd be super awesome, please shout or write 
>>> me
>>>    privately!  *Lionel: will an official v1.0.1 of sugarizer-server
>>>    <> be possible in 
>>> coming
>>>    days, so IIAB 6.6 is can become even more stable, instead of driving off 
>>> of
>>>    sugarizer-server's master branch?*  In any case: we can release IIAB
>>>    6.6 Preview 2 later in the week if that proves necessary to refine
>>>    Sugarizer on Raspbian.  (PR #888
>>>    <>)
>>>    - Regional Maps Packs are now extremely fast to download, thanks to
>>>    compact vector-based tiles for OpenStreetMap.  Central America
>>>    (including Haiti and a lot of South America)
>>>    <> is provided as
>>>    a sample to get you started (#877
>>>    <>).
>>>    - dnsmasq and our new Captive Portal is not quite yet
>>>    Ready-for-Main-Street (people who are unable to type in http://box)
>>>    but getting much closer -- please support Anish Mangal and Jerry Vonau
>>>    refining this (PR #870 <>)
>>>    based on the original hard work of Tim Moody and Josh Dennis (#608
>>>    <>).
>>>    - Special thanks to Arky R. in Cambodia and the Philippines who
>>>    rejoined The Cause <> in
>>>    recent weeks (someone help fix that Wikipedia article to mention the
>>>    Sneakernet-of-Alexandria that 5 Billion Minds are waiting for ;)  Arky is
>>>    crafting our Kolibri 0.10 Ansible playbook (#841
>>>    <>) and already contributed
>>>    extremely valuable code benefiting all (#895
>>>    <>).
>>>    -
>>> *Much More in our online DRAFT IIAB 6.6 Release Notes
>>>    <> ! *
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