There's been huge progress here in recent weeks:

Not only are WordPress 5.0 and Nextcloud 15 officially now part of IIAB
6.7, but dramatic improvements include our experimental new Captive Portal
(PR #1327 <>) and an overhauled DIY
menuing system (PR iiab/iiab-admin-console#95
<>) !

IIAB 6.7's Release Notes are NOT yet finalized, but a draft is coming
together here now that IIAB 6.7 Preview 1
<> is official:

A very special thank you to implementers & testers on all continents -- who
continue to validate our IIAB 6.7 pre-releases on Raspbian on RPi
especially, but also on Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian 9.6 -- every one of which
is installable right here:

Let's try to release IIAB 6.7 before the end of 2018, to keep to our
quarterly release target, *including newbie-friendly documentation
understandable to almost anybody.*  I think we CAN do it, but it will take
a joint effort from all!
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