Jerry Malcolm wrote:
> I host quite a few server names hosted with one James
> instance.  And server
> names periodically come and go.  When I add a new client, I'd
> really like to
> have an automated way to add the server name to the list.
> I realize the brute force way is to write some sort of Perl
> or Rexx script
> that parses the servername section out the config file and
> re-gen's the
> config file with an updated list, then bounce the James
> server so it'll pick
> up the change.  Seems awfully clumsy to have to do that.  But
> is that the
> only way?  Is there a way to store the server list in a
> database table where
> James can read it out and check periodically to see if the
> entries in the
> table have changed?  Or am I doomed to have to write a script
> to gen the
> config file?

As far as I know, right now you are doomed! Its the kind of thing JMX would
be good for, but there is no ongoing effort in this area. An MBean would
update the servernames and trigger a recycle of the affected components.

What you could do right now is extract the servernames section out of the
main config. file into a servernames.xml file and use an XML include to
reference this file from the main config. Then you are left with a trivial
edit prior to bouncing James. Look at the fetchmail part of the
configuration for an XML include example.

-- Steve

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