The configuration seems correct.

You can try increasing the log level to DEBUG (kernel.xml) and look at the spoolmanager and mailet logs.

What does James logs when you send a mail where the sender is [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?

if the mail is not sent your should find it locked in the outgoing folder or in a mailbox repository.

Can you look in your mail/outgoing folder or in the mail/spool folder or in the inbox/error or in inbox/local-address-error folders to see wether the message is there?

Logs, logs, logs: James logs are in apps/james/logs/ and I'm confident your problems can be easily solved reading that logs.


Thibaut wrote:
i guess !
Thank you for your help.

The problem is :
1) i receive mails correctly
2) i send a mail that goes to root processor then in the transport processor

Therefore i think the transport processor is not configure well.

     <processor name="root">
        <mailet match="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" class="ToProcessor">
           <processor> transport </processor>
        <mailet match="All"  class="MessageSave">
          <subject>You have been marked as UNAVAILABLE</subject>
<content>Send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to reset.</content>
        <mailet match="RelayLimit=30" class="Null"/>
     <processor name="transport">
        <mailet match="All" class="RemoteDelivery">
           <outgoing> file://var/mail/outgoing/ </outgoing>
           <delayTime>  5 minutes </delayTime>
           <delayTime> 10 minutes </delayTime>
           <delayTime> 45 minutes </delayTime>
           <delayTime>  2 hours </delayTime>
           <delayTime>  3 hours </delayTime>
           <delayTime>  6 hours </delayTime>
           <maxRetries> 25 </maxRetries>
           <deliveryThreads> 1 </deliveryThreads>

Do i think well ?

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