about the mailet and matcher, what i have done is-->>

1) if the host is not available ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) then the
matcher will return the address
the mailet will set the mail state to ghost and send a mail to the sender.

2) if the host is available, then the matcher will return null, the mailet
will do nothing and the next mailet/matcher will do their job



On 11/1/06, Ahsan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

i have created the following mailet and matcher files and the edited
config file lines are given below.
my JAMES is no longer running, it crashes :(

   <matcherpackage> serveravailability.matcher</matcherpackage>


<mailet match="SAMatcher2=all" class="SAMailet2">
  <from>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</from>
  <subject>mail delivery error !</subject>
  <content>Sorry, the email address u sent the mail to, is not valid.
Please have a look again. Thanks.</content>


i have got a deadline, can you please have a look and let me know what i
did wrong ??

Md. Ahsanur Rashid,

Level-2, Term-1,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE),
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET),
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
Tel - (+88)  01715621323, 01717769404

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