Hi Sharma,

> But when I have to port this to Sun machine-I need to test it first. I
> am not a root or superuser and thus cannot use any of the ports which is
> lower than 1024. So how to work?
> James Mail Server 2.3.0
> Remote Manager Service started plain:4555
> POP3 Service started plain:2525
> SMTP Service started plain:2526
> NNTP Service started plain:2527
> FetchMail Disabled

I recommend running on ports higher than 1024 - you don't want to run 
any application as root if you don't have to.

To get email from port 25 to your port I suggest either a firewall rule 
  or rinetd (http://www.boutell.com/rinetd/).

You will need root access for either the firewall change or to run 
rinetd, but that is inherent to UNIX.

The only disadvantage to using rinetd is that you loose the information 
about who is connecting to your server - everything appears to come from 
the machine on which rinetd is running on.


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