
Thanks for the reply, but the link below didn't work.
Is there another link you can provide?

or a simple explanation on how to set up acknowledgment emails.

thanks again.

- Rex

Danny Angus wrote:
Sorry for the slow response,

look at the "service()" method of


On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 8:53 AM, Rex Posadas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi All,

 I want to do the following:

 1 - James receives an Email.
 2 - James has a Mailet that Processes that Email
 3 - James sends an acknowledgement email message saying that  it has
 processed the email.

 The acknowledgment email is a customized email So I was thinking of
 creating a Mailet for it.  "Customized" meaning that the message may
 contain values retrieved from a Database.

 My Question is: Can someone point me to some code that would help me get
 started?  I am thinking of Mailet code that sends even a simple "Got the
 Message, thanks".

 Or Can someone give a quick note on how  I can get started?  I already
 wrote a Mailet that put data in a database. I just need one that sends
 out an email.

 I looked in my James installation and I don't see any sample Mailets. I
 can't find any in the Apache James site. I'm probably looking in the
 wrong places.

 - Rex

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