Has anyone encountered problems using JAMES 3 IMAP with Mozilla Thunderbird client? It appears to work fine with small-medium mailbox repositories. But I have a client that has a large mail account with over 500,000 emails spread across a series of folders, and we are seeing some serious problems. On Thunderbird, it sometimes takes 10 minutes to open the INBOX folder, and then when it does open and you select an email, it may take another 5-10 minutes to show the email. This doesn't happen all the time. But it happens on several Thunderbird clients. The inbox usually only has 100-200 emails in it, but there are quite a few mail rules that run on the INBOX in Thunderbird. I am configured to access the same user account via my iPhone. When Tbird is sitting there with the circle spinning forever, I can still open the folder and view the email on my iPhone with no problem. So I don't think this is a JAMES problem. But I'm curious if there are others using JAMES that are also using Thunderbird and, if so, are you seeing any similar behaviors?

Secondly, and more critical, moving a few emails between folders in Tbird has never been any problem at all. However, I have tried several times moving a few hundred emails as a block from one folder to another folder and also trying to delete a large block of emails (send to trash). With larger sets of email, it goes into an infinite loop and by the time I notice what is happening, I have 30-40+ copies of every email in the target and it just keeps growing. I understand that 'move' really means 'copy' then 'delete' when everything has been copied. Copy is looping/restarting and Delete never happens. One time I started it up and unfortunately walked away. Came back and had like 20,000 emails in the target folder. Fun to clean that out, and the only way I could do that was under-the-hood database work. Ugly.

Even though currently it appears Tbird is messed up here, I'm wondering if JAMES is returning an error on some invalidly formatted email or something that is causing Tbird to go crazy. If that's the case, perhaps I could add defensive code to JAMES to make Tbird not get so irritated, etc.

I'm going to be pursuing this on the Thunderbird forum as well since it is likely more Tbird issue than JAMES issue. But at this point, it's neither a Tbird nor a JAMES issue... It's MY issue with my client. So I'm just attacking all angles. I'm just looking for information and more data if others have seen this.

Anybody want to talk about Thunderbird and JAMES 3?



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