Hi every one,

A month ago, I contributed some code to James to handle quotas :

- At the mailbox level : it means user mailboxes can not exceed the size in bytes and message count you fixed for it. - At the SMTP level : If you send a mail to a full mailbox, you have a matcher to answer something like "Hey, your sending this mail to an over quota mailbox" - At the IMAP level : A user can perform IMAP commands in order to check his quotas - At the administration level : you can administrate quotas threw JMX using the cli tool.
 - At the configuration level : you can choose the implementation you want.

I didn't mentioned it earlier on this list so, it is time to do it !

Just note that if you deploy the trunk you will need a new configuration file : quota.xml. Sample configuration can be found there : james-project/server/app/src/main/resources/quota-template.xml . I mention it as I answered and question on this today...

Here follows a short note on configurations :

- There is a distinction between current values and maximum allowed values. This means you can use different backends for both. Eg : (not implemented but allowed by this distinction) LDAP for max values and the current values persisted elsewhere. - You may, with a few configuration work, use your own QuotaRoot resolver, and group mailbox for applying quotas using your own policies. eg : not anymore by people, but by work unit.

The interesting part is on current value calculation :

 - You can lazy compute it and store it in RAM.
- Or you can update it and maintain the count in a DB. For now only Cassandra is available.

We might want a tool to recalculate quotas...

The advantage from the previous system (mailets) is that it is fast : there is at most one quota calculation, depending on the choices you made, the the result can be retrieved either from the data base or from the RAM.


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