
I also have beta5 up and running. When sending email from james to my qq email, 
I got below error.

Any config I should change?

Btw: my james is able to receive the emails from my qq senders.


INFO   | jvm 1    | 2016/09/24 23:11:37 | INFO  23:11:37,478 | 
james.mailetcontext | Local delivery with ToSenderFolder mailet for mail 
Mail1474729897353-d54c9c61-b19c-445e-86f5-da2b4706ba14 with sender 
u...@xx.yyy.com in folder Sent

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2016/09/24 23:11:37 | INFO  23:11:37,495 | 
james.mailetcontext | Storing mail 
Mail1474729897353-d54c9c61-b19c-445e-86f5-da2b4706ba14 in 


发送自 Windows 10 版邮件应用

发件人: Shawn Fu Sheng<mailto:sh...@victz.com>
发送时间: 2016年9月24日 18:32
收件人: James Users List<mailto:server-user@james.apache.org>
主题: Apache James Server 3.0-beta5-SNAPSHOT : Unable receive email from outside 


good day. I cloned the trunk source code from git (22Sep2016) and builded zip, 
tested seems everything ok but unable receive email from outside domains. 
anyone could help give me a hint how to troubleshoot, please? i made sure the 
MX and SPF record has been pointed to the correct CNAME address and verified by 
NSLOOKUP shown ok. the steps listed as follows for your advice, please.

1) cloned trunk source code from git, executed mvn package -DskipTests=true 
2) copied and extracted james-server-app-3.0.0-beta5-SNAPSHOT-app.zip under 
directory /james-project/server/app/target/ to target server.
3) modified below xml bind IP to server IP and enable SMTP authRequired.


4)comment below RemoteAddrNotInNetwork matcher.

       <mailet match="RemoteAddrNotInNetwork=" class="ToProcessor">
          <notice>550 - Requested action not taken: relaying denied</notice>

after above, i created test domain and test user, started services, opened 
firewall 25,465, 110. 995, 143, 993, i am now able to connect SMTP and IMAP via 
my iPhone. able to send email to iCloud and yahoo mails. but when they reply, i 
can’t receive. but i am able to receive email from local user.

Appreciate your help, please. thank you in advance.

Thanks and Regards,

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