Hey Jason,

it's not clustering in the multi-directional way but I use master-slave sync for my setup: On my root-server my main instance run - and at home my backup instance sync each night. There's this one main issue: When mails get delivered to my backup at home they don't sync back up to the main - and may can get lost when mails on the root already taken IDs wich my backup assigned to other mails. So it's not the best to use in production as ID-conflicts can happen wich only can be handled by James itself. The other idea I can come up with would be to use IMAP to sync the mails instead of sync the databases cause as said James has to handel possible ID conflicts wich could occur when try to sync multiple instances.


Am 19.07.2019 um 06:46 schrieb Jason Tjankilisan:
Im curios if james can be modified to have Database Clustering. Since James can 
use MariaDB and Mysql.Assuming it can, is it better to choose Mysql Percona 
XtraDB Cluster, or MariaDB Galera Cluster? we already have 3 James server ready 
to be synchronized for database clustering.
Our team agree to implement Percona Extradb Cluster since many people said has 
better perfomance than MariaDB Galera Cluster,but i did want to know which suit 
better for james? Also considering the statement that mysql been bought by Sun 
and changing the license so redistributing it wouldn't be easy as before (might 
have to read more about this) Re: Applying JDKIM and SPF to the Mailets
After some reading on server-user archive, Clustering isnt available on james 
last time, is it available now? there's many different opinion and thought, can 
anybody shed some light?
Re: Clustering James 2.3    -> Im not really sure if this was clustering
Does james-ha work well?   -> using one database on mutiple james server, so i 
guess its the oposite of  clustering
Does james support cluster in order to build a mail delivery cluster? -> i want 
to believe the answer but there;s no further explanation
https://www.mail-archive.com/server-user@james.apache.org/msg15622.html   -> im 
guessing clustering is too heavy for james to handle?

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Does james support cluster in order to ...

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Does james-ha work well?

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Re: Clustering James 2.3

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Re: Applying JDKIM and SPF to the Mailets

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