Wich library are you using?

On 13/09/2019 10:33, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
> Thanks for the info, Tellier.  I kinda lost you on the mpt tests... I
> was looking for how to change the following code to include an
> administrator id.  I only have one field in the store.connect() method
> for a user id, but I have an administrator id and the userid for the
> target mailbox.  How do I pass in both?
>        try
>        {
>           session = Session.getInstance(props, null);
>           session.setDebug(debug);
>           store = session.getStore(protocol);
>           store.connect(host, port, user, password);
>        }
>        catch( Exception e)
>        {
>           log( "IMAPClient.connect() exception: " + e );
>           throw(e);
>        }
> On 9/12/2019 10:10 PM, Tellier Benoit wrote:
>> Hello Jerry,
>> With the `administratorId`, you are able to use IMAP impersonation.
>> IE to log in as another user.
>> You should define it within usersrepository.xml. To see related "reading
>> config" code: AbstractUsersRepository is the way to go.
>> Agree that this needs example and documentation. I will do it straight
>> away.
>> For your IMAP call, MPT tests are going to be a gold mine, presenting
>> you the exact syntax.
>> mpt/impl/imap-mailbox/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/james/imap/scripts/AuthenticatePlain.test
>> Contains:
>> C: 0007 AUTHENTICATE "PLAIN" {36+}
>> # delegate\0imapuser\0password
>> C: ZGVsZWdhdGUAaW1hcHVzZXIAcGFzc3dvcmQ=
>> S: 0007 OK AUTHENTICATE completed.
>> # Ensure we are delegate
>> C: 0008 SELECT delegate
>> SUB {
>> S: \* FLAGS .*
>> S: \* .* EXISTS
>> S: \* .* RECENT
>> S: \* OK \[UIDVALIDITY .*\] UIDs valid
>> S: \* OK \[PERMANENTFLAGS .*\] Limited
>> S: \* OK \[HIGHESTMODSEQ .*\] Highest
>> S: \* OK \[UIDNEXT .*\] Predicted next UID
>> }
>> S: 0008 OK \[READ-WRITE\] SELECT completed\.
>> Regarding your development issues, I'm really sorry. My environment is
>> based on IntelliJ, and I encounter no issue.
>> To be able to compile, I use maven 3.6.2 with JDK 11.
>> Best regards,
>> Benoit Tellier
>> On 13/09/2019 09:53, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
>>> Since it appears I'm not going to be able to build James 3.3.0 in the
>>> foreseeable future, I'm now moving to plan d, e, f, or whatever... .I've
>>> lost count.
>>> My goal now is to assess my possibilities of using James 3.3.0 binaries
>>> as-is and discarding the functionality I had hoped to re-add to 3.3.0
>>> from 30b5 or moving the functionality to mailets that I can compile
>>> outside of doing a full James build.
>>> One thing I had added to beta5 was the ability to have a super-user,
>>> master-key id that could be used in my custom external imap mailbox
>>> maintenance utilities.  I've spent several hours digging through the
>>> 3.3.0 source code, and I see code referencing "administratorId".  From
>>> what I can deduce from the code, the Authenticator and Authorizator
>>> classes seem to accept this administrator id as the equivalent of the
>>> master key I added to b5.  So can I access UserABC's mailbox through
>>> imap but use my administratorId and password?  If that's the case, then
>>> that's exactly what I need.  The problem is I can't find any
>>> documentation on how to use administratorId.  Where do I define it?  And
>>> how do I pass it on imap calls using the javax.mail.Store and other
>>> classes in javax.mail that I use to access imap?
>>> Jerry
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