
I hit the same problem you are seeing about a month ago and reported it on the forum, but got no response. I was not using SSL on my previous version.  I planned to move to SSL as part of my migration.  I just figured the proble was due to lack of knowledge on my part and pushed it to the back burner.  But since you had something working that no longer works, that gives me a different perspective on the problem.  I'll probably start digging into the problem sometime this week.  If anyone else already understands this problem, you won't hurt my feelings if you find the problem and report a fix before I have a chance to begin debugging it. :-)

As far as ports go, you can have as many imap and smtp servers defined as you want.  You can have an smtp server with no SSL running on 25 and completely different smtp server running on 587 with TLS.  For every port you want to have an SMTP server, just replicate the <smtpserver> block inside <smtpservers> in conf/smtpserver.xml and make the obvious modifications to the new block.  Also make sure you have a bind statement (<bind></bind>) in each block, and add the <tls> block to the smtpservers that you want to have ssl/tls on.  I've run two smtp servers for years, one on port 25 and one on port 2025 that I tell my clients to use to get around isp blockading port 25 to prevent spamming.


On 10/26/2019 5:17 PM, Mark Gordon wrote:
I have spent some time trying to get James 3.4 to work I have gotten past a
few problems.  The latest is that I am getting a "keystore password
incorrect" and If I use the same keystore and config in 3.3 it works fine.
Any ideas?

For inbound mail, can you only have port 587 open with START TLS?  and not
have anything running on port 25?.

With James can you have port 587 and 465 using ssl/tls and have 25 not?  If
so how would one do this?


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