
We'll start to build a system for a government where each resident will
have a digital postbox and any government party can send messages and
documents to any of the residents securely. That means when email arrives
at the resident's mailbox the resident will get a notification to his main
email or cell phone and has to log in to webmail to see the whole message.

We find distributed Apache James to be a very good fit for our problem and
we plan to set it as the center of our system. So thank you everyone who
has contributed to the project. We also plan to contribute a lot to the
James project in upcoming months.

One of the first questions that we have is that the messages that travel
from some kind of internal document management system to the digital
postbox of the resident (via web services) - these messages are always not
exactly an email but also contain some additional fields that carry
information that will be later needed by mailets and UI that displays them
(we plan to use JMAP for displaying).

1.Would it be possible for messages to arrive into James via any other
means besides SMTP protocol (like a web service endpoint). If not then
would it be something that could be built by ourselves (and contributed

2. what would be the best way to add the additional fields into the email
so that they could be later read by UI and mailets that process them. We
were thinking about using custom header names like
"X-MySystemName-CategoryName". Do you see any downsides for that?

Juhan Aasaru

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