
I am testing Apache James since a few days. I am using the current 3.8.1 Spring-Edition. My goal is to use Apache James as an SMTP relay for some of our internal Applications. We don’t need any Users, Domains or Mailboxes on our James, just a simple relay to our external SMTP-Provider. I’ve already successfully configured the RemoteDelivery mailet in the mailetcontainer.xml. James accepts the Emails via SMTP and forwards them to the RemoteDelivery-Gateway.

After this success, I changed the Gateway-Port in my RemoteDelivery-Configuration to a wrong value, to test what happens if the remote gateway is not reachable (to simulate a internet connection failure). I sent an E-Mail to the James-SMTP and waited some hours to see what James did with the E-Mail.

I can see in the log/wrapper.xml that James tried 1x per Minute to send the E-Mail to the RemoteDelivery-Gateway. BUT James stopped the retries after almost 2 hours (so almost 120 tries). James (or ActiveMQ itself??) deleted the E-Mail from the ActiveMQ-Mailqueue too, the Mail is lost.

This is a unacceptable behavior. We need at least retries for 15 Hours, more better several days. Where can I configure this? I saw in the RemoteDelivery-Section of mailetcontainer.xml the options <delayTime> and <maxRetries>. I didn’t changed the default values, so they are:

<!--  Delivery Schedule based upon RFC 2821,  -->
<!--  5 day retry period, with 4 attempts in the first
                 hour, two more within the first 6 hours, and then
                 every 6 hours for the rest of the period.
          <delayTime>4 * 15 minutes, 2 * 3 hours, 18 * 6 hours</delayTime>
<delayTime>5000, 100000, 500000</delayTime>

I can't really understand the comment above.
“5 day retry period, with with 4 attempts in the first hour, two more within the first 6 hours, and then every 6 hours for the rest of the period.” ??? Sounds Good! I would take that :D . But in my test I see only a 2 hours retry period, with 1 try per minute.

Does anyone have an idea how I can increase the retry period?

Thank you for this great open source project and your support!

Best Regards
Dominik Katzenmaier

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