On 22 feb 2012, at 11:22, A. Sundararajan wrote:

> SA uses stop-the-world to debug "snapshot" of the process. BugSpot was 
> supposed to be a SA model where you can pause/resume and keep looking at 
> different snapshots (as well as use JDI to look at process state). But, it 
> was never implemented that way. Over the years lot of stuff accumulated 
> assuming the snapshot model as well.

So what does BugSpot have that HSDB does not (and the other way around)? Could 
one of them be retired?

> And yes, JSDB may not be directly useful - but you can use most of 
> functionality CLHSDB using script "load" as Kris mentioned.

So maybe CLHSDB can be improved and JSDB retired?

> SOQL: Better option is to retrieve heap dump from core/process using jmap (or 
> SA internals) and view it by jhat or VisualVM.

Same thing here?

Thanks for the feedback,

> -Sundar
> Krystal Mok wrote:
>> Hi Staffan,
>> There's at least another frontend, the SA Plugin for Visual VM. I think it 
>> only uses the BugSpotAgent for attaching/detaching, otherwise it doesn't use 
>> stuff from BugSpot.
>> Other tools, e.g. jstack -m, jstack -F, jmap -F, etc., are not exactly SA 
>> frontends, but use the SA to implement their functionality.
>> I use CLHSDB a lot when I poke around the internals of HotSpot. It's good 
>> for its purpose, except that history support is really weird, e.g. pressing 
>> up arrow give "^[[A". When I need commands not available in CLHSDB yet, I 
>> can write a JavaScript file and use "jsload" in CLHSDB to extend it with new 
>> commands. Example here: [1].
>> I seldom use JSDB directly, because the command style of CLHSDB works 
>> better, if the commands cover all the needs during a debugging session. When 
>> writing new commands for CLHSDB, sometimes I use the "jseval" command to try 
>> things out first, before actually writing them into a script file. That 
>> overlaps with what JSDB does, but of course prototyping in JSDB would be 
>> much nicer than in CLHSDB.
>> On the top of my wishlist on CLHSDB, I'd wish for:
>> 1. better input support (something like jline would be great)
>> 2. AMD64 disassembler support (not frontend issue)
>> 3. live stepping/breakpointing support (not frontend issue)
>> If 2 and 3 is implemented, I might be able to spend more time in CLHSDB, 
>> where sometimes I have to use a native debugger like gdb. But these aren't 
>> frontend issue anyway. I'd be grateful for any advise on how to debug a 
>> product build HotSpot with gdb instead of CLHSDB, where a lot of debugging 
>> support functions are not available in HotSpot itself and the symbols are 
>> inconvenient to access.
>> On the GUI side, Poonam did a presentation on the SA Plugin in JavaOne 2011. 
>> The "Future Plans" part sounds interesting. I think this plugin is the most 
>> visible way to use SA for most end users. It'd be great if it could be open 
>> sourced and made more extensible, say, embedding a variant of CLHSDB into 
>> this plugin.
>> Regards,
>> Kris Mok
>> [1]:  https://gist.github.com/1393698 
>> On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 4:26 PM, Staffan Larsen <staffan.lar...@oracle.com 
>> <mailto:staffan.lar...@oracle.com>> wrote:
>>    I'm trying to figure out what the different front ends to SA are
>>    and how they differ. So far I have identified the following:
>>    HSDB - basic UI
>>    CLHSDB - command line version of HSDB
>>    BugSpot - improvement over HSDB ??
>>    JSDB - JavaScript command line
>>    SOQL - Simple Object Query Language command line
>>    Have I missed any?
>>    What are your experiences with these? Which ones are most used?
>>    Should we maintain all of them? Can we consolidate them into one?
>>    Specifically: what is the difference between HSDB and BugSpot?
>>    I'd be happy for all and any feedback,
>>    /Staffan

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