Hi Jesper,

I think you can remove the YoungGCInfo class all together. Other than that it looks good.


On 3/18/13 10:04 PM, Jesper Wilhelmsson wrote:
Could I have a couple of reviews for this really small change?

Bug 8010227: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=8010227

The young garbage collection tracing event has a boolean to indicate if a promotion failed has occurred or not. This information is also available in its own event so the variable is duplicating the information. It was introduced for convenience to make it easy to see if a collection got promotion failed or not when looking at the GC events. However, the existence of this variable complicates the implementation of the evacuation failed event for G1, so we have decided to remove it.

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8010227/webrev/


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