Please review this test fix.


The test tries to start a process but fails with:

javaOpts: -Xmixed -server -XX:MaxRAMFraction=8 -XX:+CreateMinidumpOnCrash 
Command line: 
 -classpath /export/local/aurora/sandbox/results/workDir/classes/1/com/sun/jdi  
-Xmixed -server -XX:MaxRAMFraction=8 -XX:+CreateMinidumpOnCrash 
-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=61682 HelloWorld ]
[process1] Error: Could not find or load main class 
Failed to start a process (thread dump follows) 

At first glance the command line looks ok, but what I missed here is that there 
are two spaces before "-Xmixed". Two spaces in a command line is ok, but in 
this case it means that the String[] argument to ProcessBuilder has one empty 
String element. That is not ok since that would turn into an actual empty 
argument to the process. We can actually see this in the output from the 
process, too:

  [process1] Error: Could not find or load main class 

If it was the HelloWorld class that could not be found it should have said:

  [process1] Error: Could not find or load main class HelloWorld

But now it is the empty string class that we can't find.

The fix makes sure there are no empty Strings in the process arguments.


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