Hi Staffan, thanks for your feedback.

The fingerprint algorithm may be either:
- added to javac as an argument, in order to calculate during compilation and inject that to the classfile format "new attribute" - a new tool provided by JDK, say "javafp" that would be allowed for standalone calls - both solutions above, where javac delegates to "javafp" the calculation during compilation, which allows IDEs to reuse this tool during debugging

The Debugger API exposes the fingerprint so Debugging agents become aware of what sourcecode was used to compile.

Now there's one thing I am still not sure if it holds true, or it's something will never happen, or not lead to any errors, by tricking developers.

       The sourcecode of the class being debugged may have not changed,
   but instead, its super class or default methods of implemented
   interfaces, which could lead to different behavior. This anomaly
   would require the fingerprint to not be a simple checksum on top of
   the source code but on the full inheritance graph and any
   implemented interface, or subinterface that has default methods.

# interfaces
interface C -> fp based on C's sourcecode
subinterface D with default method -> fp based on D's sourcecode
subinterface E -> fp based on D's sourcecode and E's sourcecode (considers D's because of default methods)

# classes
class A -> fp based java.lang.Object's computed class fp (taken from JDK) and A's sourcecode
class B extends A -> fp based on A's fp and B's source code
class C extends B implements D -> fp based on B's fp, D's fp, and C's source code class F extends C implements E -> fp based on C's fp, E's fp, and F's source code

The cases above exposes the possibilities, in my view, of anomalies during debugging that could lead developers to believe they are debugging the right source code. Often, developers skip calls to super methods (or default methods in interfaces, now in Java SE 8). With a fingerprint based not only on source code but also on inheritance graph containing actual code (I see no point in doing fp for plain interfaces), this anomaly could be avoided easily.

I confess I am still not sure if fingerprints based on inheritance graph is really necessary.
That's something I'd like to discuss here.

*# When sourcecode of inheritance graph is not available*
How would fingerprint be calculated in case there is no classfile fingerprint attribute available on inheritance graph (say, when extending a legacy library compiled on previous versions, or deliberately chosen by the developer to not calculate and inject fingerprint during compilation (if this is an option).

If we see that fingerprint based on inheritance graph is required, then what would happen if there is no fingerprint on super classes, or interface with default method, or interface inherited from one with default methods?

In summary, questions are:
(1) must source code fingerprint consider inheritance graph?
(2) if -1- is 'yes', how to behave and proceed when dealing with bytecode without the fingerprint attribute, or if fingerprint is optional during compilation?

On 02/12/2014 05:29, Staffan Larsen wrote:
Hi Bruno,

This is an interesting proposal and I guess it would avoid a lot of unnecessary 
confusion for developers.

As I understand it, the exact algorithm used to compute the fingerprint would 
need to be known to debuggers, or at least an implementation of it would need 
to be provided by the JDK.

The proposed solution would require an addition to the class file format to 
store the fingerprint. Most likely in the form of a new “attribute”.

It would be interesting to hear opinions from debugger developers (netbeans, 
eclipse, intellij…) on this proposal.


On 29 nov 2014, at 23:45, Bruno Borges <bruno.bor...@oracle.com> wrote:

Hi all,

Based on a common incident that happens not rarely among developers, and as recently felt 
by Martijn Dashort [1], it seems to be a good idea to: "Enable debugger to detect 
when there is a mismatch between source code and class being debugged" (thanks to 
Stuart Marks for the excellent problem statement [2]).

[1] https://twitter.com/dashorst/status/538329707549560832
[2] https://twitter.com/stuartmarks/status/538722163700674561

So I came up with the following JEP draft, and I'd like to have your input in 
this matter as well any comments, suggestions, etc.


Enable debugger to detect when there is a mismatch between source code and 
class being debugged

* Detect mismatch between the source code and the class bytecode being debugged
* Allow for IDEs to identify through Debugger API such mismatch, enabling 
development of extensions

To increase development productivity by avoiding developers on wasting time 
debugging the wrong source code

Developers often find themselves debugging a Java application attached to their 
IDE, where the source code used to compile the bytecode being debugged is 
similar, but not the same. This leads to time wasted in understanding why some 
things behave differently, and sometimes developers blame the JVM, or the 
application server, or something in the runtime environment.

By providing a fingerprint to the source code used to compile a bytecode, when 
javac is configured to do so (example: -g:sourcefingerprint), and injecting 
that fingerprint into the bytecode, the Debugger API can then expose such 
information to IDEs and Debugger agents. The jdb command and the Java Debug 
Interface API may need to be extended to add such information.

A test use case to validate this JEP is in the form of:
- compile a Java class
- modify the source code
- run the bytecode initially compiled
- debug the application
- identify the mismatch that source code has been modified

Debug with jdb.

Risks and Assumptions
There is a risk of the source code match the bytecode, but not inherited 
classes, which means not only the class being debugged but its structure and 
inherited graph must also match.

The fingerprint must consider multiple data from the source code in order to be 
- sourcecode checksum
- Java class structure
- inheritance graph

It may be required to considered other form of data to build the fingerprint.

Beyond the jdb tool and the Java Debug Interface, there are no other identified 


-- Bruno Borges // +5511995649058 LAD Principal Product Manager Exalogic | 
Cloud | CAF | Java

Bruno Borges // +5511995649058
LAD Principal Product Manager
Exalogic | Cloud | CAF | Java

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