On 29/01/15 16:21, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
On 29.1.2015 14:58, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
Hi Jaroslav,

The only thread state that this test is waiting on seems to be
Thread.State.BLOCKED - which makes me wonder if you could add a

String waitForBlockedState(Thread t) throws InterruptedException {
    long tid = lt.getId();
    ThreadInfo ti;
    while ( (ti = mbean.getThreadInfo(tid)).getThreadState() !=
Thread.State.BLOCKED) {
    return ti.getLockName();

Retrieving ThreadInfo is a rather extensive operation involving security
checks and as such might interfere with the test. It would require a
thorough analysis to prove that it wouldn't interfere with the counters
the test checks in any situation.

Well then - I guess that what you have is good to go...

-- daniel


Would that be feasible - or would it have side effects on what the
test is testing?

best regards,

-- daniel

On 29/01/15 14:03, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
Please, review the following test change.

Issue : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8071641
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jbachorik/8071641/webrev.00/

The test fails very intermittently with NPE. This seems to be caused by
a data race between Thread.getStatus() and ThreadMXBean.getThreadInfo()
- thread state is reported as BLOCKED but the ThreadInfo still contains
a stale information (lockname == null).

The solution would be re-retrieving the ThreadInfo until it reflects the
actual thread state.


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