> On 6 feb 2015, at 22:21, Karen Kinnear <karen.kinn...@oracle.com> wrote:
> Chris,
> So I was curious - I was thinking you would printing the hex address of the 
> j.l.ClassLoader class rather than the cld so that if folks were to look
> at a heap dump later it might be meaningful to them. Is it unlikely that they 
> would ever want to correlate those?
> On Feb 6, 2015, at 3:15 PM, Chris Plummer wrote:
>> I was also thinking it might be a good idea to indicate what the hex value 
>> is, although still have figured out the best way of doing this. Maybe just a 
>> simple comment before the output. Keep in mind that eventually other DCMDS 
>> will also include the cld to help uniquiely identify classes across dcmd 
>> output. Also keep in mind your earlier suggestion:
>> java.lang.Object/0x12345600
>> |--java.io.Serializable/0x12345601
>> |--java.util.RandomAccess/0x12345602
>> |--java.lang.Iterable/0x12345603
>> | |--java.util.Collection/0x12345604
>> | | |--java.util.List/0x12345605
>> |--java.util.AbstractCollection/0x12345606
>> | |  implements java.util.Collection/0x12345604
>> | |  implements java.lang.Iterable/0x12345603
>> | |--java.util.AbstractList/0x12345607
>> | |    implements java.util.List/0x12345605
>> | | |--java.util.Arrays$ArrayList/0x12345608
>> | | |    implements java.io.Serializable/0x12345601
>> | | |    implements java.util.RandomAccess/0x12345602
>> With additions to GC.class_stats:
>> Index Super ClassLoader        ClassName
>>     1    -1 0x00000007c0034c48 java.lang.Object/0x12345600
>>     2     1 0x00000007c0034c48 java.util.List/0x12345605
>>     3    31 0x00000007c0034c48 java.util.AbstractList/0x12345607
>> And GC.class_histogram:
>>  num     #instances         #bytes  class name
>> ----------------------------------------------
>>    1:           945         117736  java.lang.Object/0x12345600
>>    2:           442          50352  java.util.List/0x12345605
>>    3:           499          25288  java.util.AbstractList/0x12345607
>> I think in your case you assumed we would create a unique identifier for 
>> each class, but then we settled on just classname + ClassLoader identifier 
>> of some sort, and the CLD* works for that. So replace your hex class ID in 
>> the above with the hex CLD*.
>> Also something Karen had said is just now starting to sink in and make sense 
>> to me:
>> |-sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader/null (0xyyy)
>> |-myapp/0xyyy
>> I think the idea here is that when printing a ClassLoader subclass, you 
>> include two CLDs. The first is for the ClassLoader that loaded the class, 
>> and the second is the CLD for the ClassLoader subclass itself. Thus the 
>> above indicates that myapp was loaded by 0xyyy, which is the 
>> sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader, which was loaded by the null ClassLoader. 
> I apologize - I don't remember what I said. But I am not sure we need that 
> level of complexity. I think I was asking that one of the dcmds that gives
> information could print information like 0xabc "a 
> sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader" or "a WLS.blah.GenericClassLoader" if we 
> don't want to include
> that everywhere. Mostly people want to know the name of the class loader. 
> Since they don't yet have names, they want to know the type of the
> classloader. So that string "a MyClassLoader" would be more meaningful than 
> the 0xabc - except that if they
> have 5 of those they need the uniqueness. So personally I think I was 
> proposing the 
>   java.base, 0xA/"a MyClassLoader", iface).
> But I would defer to Staffan if he suggests something else.

The mapping from “Klass of the j.l.ClassLoader” to “type of the ClassLoader” is 
available in the VM.classloader_stats command:

ClassLoader         Parent              CLD*               Classes   ChunkSz   
BlockSz  Type
0x00000007c0038d10  0x00000007c0036240  0x00007faf7843d8f0       1      6144    
  1496  sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader
0x00000007c0036240  0x0000000000000000  0x0000000000000000       0         0    
     0  sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader
0x0000000000000000  0x0000000000000000  0x00007faf7852ffd0     432   4587520   
2851696  <boot class loader>
Total = 3                                                      433   4593664   
ChunkSz: Total size of all allocated metaspace chunks
BlockSz: Total size of all allocated metaspace blocks (each chunk has several 

I think that having the mapping in one place is enough.


> thanks for your patience,
> Karen
>> With regard to the '/' format, keep in mind that we also need an indicator 
>> of whether or not it's an interface, and there's also a request to include 
>> the module name when that becomes available. At one point you requested the 
>> following, which is what I was aiming for:
>> java.lang.Object
>> |--java.io.Serializable (java.base, 0x00000007c00375f8, iface)
>> |--java.util.RandomAccess (java.base, 0x00000007c00375f8, iface)
>> So maybe I can do:
>> java.lang.Object
>> |--java.io.Serializable/0x00000007c00375f8 (java.base, intf)
>> |--java.util.RandomAccess/0x00000007c00375f8 (java.base, intf)
>> ...
>> |-sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader/0x00000007c00375f8 (java.base, 
>> CLD=0x000000087654320)
>> |-myapp/0x000000087654320
>> So now the classname and its classloader id (which is the CLD*)  are grouped 
>> together to make it easy to strip out or to search for in more than one dcmd 
>> output. I think this is probably what you were striving when you proposed 
>> using '/', and other DCMDs can eventually be changed to do the same. Also, 
>> once you know the CLD of the ClassLoader, you can find out the name of the 
>> ClassLoader class by looking for             CLD=<classloaderID>
>> I can go with "null" for the null ClassLoader if you want. I used it's 
>> ClassLoaderData* to be consistent with the other ClassLoaders. Just let me 
>> know which you prefer.
>> thanks,
>> Chris
>> On 2/6/15 12:52 AM, Staffan Larsen wrote:
>>> I think this looks good! Perhaps we should give a hint as to what the hex 
>>> value is? I don�t know if it is best to print this as part of a �header� 
>>> printed before the rest of the output or if we should include it as part of 
>>> each line �(classloaderdata*=0x080609c8)�.
>>> /Staffan
>>>> On 6 feb 2015, at 05:49, Chris Plummer <chris.plum...@oracle.com> 
>>>> <mailto:chris.plum...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>>> [Hmm. My previous email somehow included the attachment with the dcmd 
>>>> output, but not the body of the message, so here it is again.]
>>>> Hey Folks,
>>>> Sorry about the delay in getting the next webrev for this out. I was 
>>>> sidetracked by a few other things, including being out sick of almost a 
>>>> week, and there were also quite a few changes to make.
>>>> I'm ready for review with an updated webrev, but thought first I'd have 
>>>> you look at and comment on the output. Please see the attached file. It 
>>>> now supports:
>>>>    printing the hierarchy for a single class
>>>>    optionally including all subclasses of the specified class (-s)
>>>>    for each class, also list all of its interfaces (-i)
>>>> The hex value in the output is the address of the ClassLoaderData for the 
>>>> ClassLoader of the class. I did not include the address of the Klass, but 
>>>> could if you think it would be useful. Changing the format of what comes 
>>>> after the classname is easy. Just let me know what you think is best.
>>>> I have not updated any other dcmds to be consistent with how classes are 
>>>> uniquely identified. A separate bug should be filed for that. Actually I 
>>>> thought one was, but I looked through this thread's history and could not 
>>>> find mention of it. I also have not implemented the reverse hierarchy 
>>>> dcmd. JDK-8068830 has already been filed for that, but there are no plans 
>>>> to work on it in the near term.
>>>> thanks,
>>>> Chris

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