Hi, Jaroslav, Shanliang, and Daniel.

Thank you all for speedy review.  I'll push the changeset to verona/stage 


-----Original Message-----
From: Jaroslav Bachorik 
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 3:33 AM
To: serviceability-dev@openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: RFR (xs) 8132003: Update javax/management regression test for 
Verona (versioning)

Looks fine. Not likely this test will ever be run on pre JDK 1.5.


On 21.7.2015 07:30, Iris Clark wrote:
> Hi.
> Please review changes to resolve the following bug:
> 8132003: Update javax/management regression test for Verona 
> (versioning)
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8132003
> The regression test 
> javax/management/remote/mandatory/notif/NotSerializableNotifTest.java fails 
> in Verona [0,1] builds because it assumes that the system property 
> java.verison will always begin with "1.".  Verona drops this part of the 
> version string for JDK 9 and later.
> The test attempts to discern whether it is being run against JDK 1.4 or 
> earlier.  Since I believe that this test will never be run against JDK 1.4, I 
> expect that we can entirely remove the conditional.  Here's the required diff:
> --- 
> a/test/javax/management/remote/mandatory/notif/NotSerializableNotifTest.java
>          Mon Jul 20 11:01:24 2015 -0700
> +++ b/test/javax/management/remote/mandatory/notif/NotSerializableNoti
> +++ fTest.java
>          Mon Jul 20 19:31:54 2015 -0700 @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
>   /*
>    * @test
>    * @summary Tests to send a not serializable notification.
> - * @bug 5022196
> + * @bug 5022196 8132003
>    * @author Shanliang JIANG
>    * @modules java.management
>    * @run clean NotSerializableNotifTest @@ -53,22 +53,13 @@
>       private static final MBeanServer mbeanServer = 
> MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer();
>       private static ObjectName emitter;
> -    private static String[] protocols;
> +    private static String[] protocols = new String[] {"rmi", "iiop", 
> + "jmxmp"};
>       private static final int sentNotifs = 10;
>       public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>           System.out.println(">>> Test to send a not serializable 
> notification");
> -        // IIOP fails on JDK1.4, see 5034318
> -        final String v = System.getProperty("java.version");
> -        float f = Float.parseFloat(v.substring(0, 3));
> -        if (f<1.5) {
> -            protocols = new String[] {"rmi", "jmxmp"};
> -        } else {
> -            protocols = new String[] {"rmi", "iiop", "jmxmp"};
> -        }
> -
>           emitter = new ObjectName("Default:name=NotificationEmitter");
>           mbeanServer.registerMBean(new NotificationEmitter(), 
> emitter);
> If you believe that we need to keep the conditional, I can submit an 
> alternate diff.  Let me know what you'd prefer.  Please also let me know if 
> there are any JMX-specific development processes I should be aware of (e.g. 
> required number of Reviewers, testing requirements, etc.).
> After review, the changeset will be pushed to verona/stage [2]. The changeset 
> will go to jdk9/* when Verona is complete later this summer.
> Thanks,
> iris
> [0] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/verona
> [1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/223
> [2] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/verona/stage

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