
Please review this fix for dumping of long arrays, and general cleanup of types in heapDumper.cpp.

At several places in heapDumper.cpp overflows could happen when dumping long arrays. Also the hprof format uses an u4 as a record length field, but arrays can be longer than that (counted in bytes).

Many types that were previously signed are changed to equivalent unsigned types and/or to a larger type to prevent overflow. The bulk of the change though is the addition of calculate_array_max_length, which for a given array returns the number of elements we can dump. That length is then used to truncate arrays that are too long.
Whenever an array is truncated a warning is printed:
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: cannot dump array of type object[] with length 1,073,741,823; truncating to length 536,870,908

Much of the rest of the change is moving functions needed by calculate_array_max_length to the DumpWriter or DumperSupport class so that they can be accessed.

Added a test that relies on the hprof parser, which also had a couple of overflow problems (top repo changes). I've also run this change against a couple of other tests, but they are problematic in JPRT because they are using large heaps and lots of disk.

8129419: heapDumper.cpp: assert(length_in_bytes > 0) failed: nothing to copy

Also fixed in this change is the problems seen in these two bugs:
8133317: Integer overflow in heapDumper.cpp leads to corrupt HPROF dumps

8144732: VM_HeapDumper hits assert with bad dump_len

Top repo: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aeriksso/8129419/webrev.00/jdk9-hs-rt/
Hotspot: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aeriksso/8129419/webrev.00/hotspot/


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