On 11/29/18 1:28 PM, Per Liden wrote:
Hi Chris,

On 2018-11-29 20:04, Chris Plummer wrote:
Hi Per,

I think there may have been some discussion about this before. Are there plans to eventually get SA heap walking support for ZGC, and is the list of disabled tests being maintained somewhere?

The latest directive I've received is that we should not spend any more time or resources on adding ZGC support to the SA.

I personally agree with that. I think the benefits provided by the SA is dwarfed by the cost to maintain it, so we should phase it out.

You should be able to find the excluded tests by grepping for 'vm.gc != "Z"' among the SA tests.


Ok. I'm fine with that. Just wanted to make sure we have a plan, even if that plan is to never support it.





On 11/29/18 7:07 AM, Per Liden wrote:
There's no support for SA heap walking when using ZGC. Hence the tests for this should not execute when ZGC is enabled.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8214484
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pliden/8214484/webrev.0


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