On 02/05/2019 09:35, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
> Would it be possible re-outline the problem and/or include the exception that is being observed?

We can see TypeError thrown by Nashorn when we attach CLHSDB.
It means JS in jdk.hotspot.agent (sa.js) could not call sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VM::getVM .

It is caused that jdk.hotspot.agent does not export to jdk.scripting.nashorn.scripts module.
I tried to open all SA packages to everyone, it works fine [1].

IMHO it would be convenience that module API provides method(s) to open to everyone, or --add-opens option can open modules to everyone.

Anyway, I think this issue may occur any applications that JS calls Java world. Thus I hope this issue would be resolved in scripting API or module system.
If so, SA should use it :-)
This version seems to be hacking into a native method used by the Module API. This is not maintainable.

Sundar - do you have the IAE that Yasumasa is seeing? Is this code generated by Nashorn that can't be accessed or is it that the clhsdb launcher needs to be compiled with --add-exports or --add-opens options.

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