On 08/06/2019 05:53, serguei.spit...@oracle.com wrote:
Hi Andrew,

It looks good to me.
Thank you for your investigation and taking care about this!
I think this one needs further analysis as changing listenMap to be a CHM does not make this connector thread safe and doesn't address a number of other places where the map is accessed without synchronization. For example, startListening would need to be changed to use `putIfAbsent`, stopListening would need to use `remove` rather than get + remote. There are several others once you start looking at the sub-classes, e.g. SocketListeningConnector.updateArgumentMapIfRequired.

At the API level, JDI does not require connectors to be thread safe. I agree it is desirable for some of the connector implementations to be thread safe, particularly ListeningConnectors as an obvious usage will be for a listener thread to hand off a VirtualMachine to another thread.

Andrew - do you have cycles to investigate this further? I'm not opposed to changing the map to be a CHM but I think it needs further work.


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