On 20/12/2019 01:08, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
Hi Chris,

Can we treat (part of) jdk.hotspot.agent like jdk.unsupported module?
jdk.unsupported exports unspec'd API like Unsafe.

If we do so, we might need to separate SA API into exported class and internal class.

I've proposed to export all SA packages in JDK-8157947, but it was rejected.
JEP 260 describes the rational for the jdk.unsupported module. I don't think it is possible to argue that SA is a critical internal API.

You've brought this up a few times and I think the main issue is that SA is tightly tied to the HotSpot VM implementation, so SA or anything using it directly will need to updated continuously, maybe very build if there are data structures changing. I suspect any code using the SA API directly really needs to be in the jdk repo, I don't think it would be workable to export it unconditionally for tools that are maintained outside of the jdk repo.


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