Hi Serguei,

Thanks for the review!

Can I get one more reviewer please?



On 3/12/20 12:06 AM, serguei.spit...@oracle.com wrote:
Hi Chris,

On 3/12/20 00:03, Chris Plummer wrote:
Hi Serguei,

That check used to be in Platform.shouldSAAttach(), which essentially was moved to SATestUtils.checkAttachOk() and reworked some. It was necessary in Platform.shouldSAAttach() since that was used to evaluation vm.hasSAandCanAttach (which is now gone). When I moved everything to SATestUtils.checkAttachOk(), I recall thinking it wasn't really necessary since all tests that call it should have @require vm.hasSA, but left it in anyway just to be extra safe. I'm still inclined to just leave it in, but would not be opposed to removing it.

I agree, it is more safe to keep it, at list for now.




On 3/11/20 11:20 PM, serguei.spit...@oracle.com wrote:
Hi Chris,

I've made another pass today.
It looks good to me.

I have just one minor questions.

There is some overlap between the requires vm.hasSA check and checkAttachOk:
+    public static  void checkAttachOk() throws IOException {
+        if (!Platform.hasSA()) {
+            throw new SkippedException("SA not supported.");
+        }
In the former case, the test is not run but in the latter the SkippedException is thrown.
As I see, all tests with the checkAttachOk call use requires vm.hasSA as well.
It can be that the first check
"if (!Platform.hasSA())" in the checkAttachOk is redundant.
It is okay and more safe in general but generates little confusion.
I'm okay if you don't do anything with this but wanted to know your view.


On 3/10/20 18:57, Chris Plummer wrote:
On 3/10/20 6:07 PM, serguei.spit...@oracle.com wrote:
Hi Chris,

Overall, this looks as a right direction to me while it is not easy to verify all the details.
Yes, there are a lot of tests with quite a few different types of changes. I did a lot of testing and verified that when the tests pass, they pass for the right reasons (really ran the test, skipped due to lack of privileges, or skipped due to running signed on OSX 10.14 or later). I also verified locally running as root, running with a cached sudo, and running without sudo.
I'll make another pass tomorrow.
  48         if (SATestUtils.needsPrivileges()) {
  49             cmdStringList = SATestUtils.addPrivileges(cmdStringList);
The method calls are local, so the class name can be omitted in the method names:
  SATestUtils.needsPrivileges and SATestUtils.addPrivileges.

  94        try {
  95            if (echoProcess.waitFor(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS) == false) {
  96                // Due to using the "-n" option, sudo should complete almost immediately. 60 seconds
  97                // is more than generous. If it didn't complete in that time, something went very wrong.
  98                echoProcess.destroyForcibly();
  99                throw new RuntimeException("Timed out waiting for sudo to execute.");
 100            }
 101         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 102            throw new RuntimeException(e);
 103         }
The lines 101/103 are misaligned.




On 3/9/20 19:29, Chris Plummer wrote:

Please help review the following:


I'll try to give enough background first to make it easier to understand the changes. On OSX you must run SA tests that attach to a live process as root or using sudo. For example:

  sudo make run-test TEST=serviceability/sa/ClhsdbJstackXcompStress.java

Whether running as root or under sudo, the check to allow the test to run is done with:

    private static boolean canAttachOSX() {
          return userName.equals("root");

Any test using "@requires vm.hasSAandCanAttach" must pass this check via Platform.shouldSAAttach(), which for OSX returns:

             return canAttachOSX() && !isSignedOSX();

So if running as root the "@requires vm.hasSAandCanAttach" passes, otherwise it does not. However, using a root login to run tests is not a very desirable, nor is issuing a "sudo make run-test" (any created file ends up with root ownership). Because of this support was previously added for just running the attaching process using sudo, not the entire test. This was only done for the 20 or so tests that use ClhsdbLauncher. These tests use "@requires vm.hasSA", and then while running the test will do a "sudo" check if canAttachOSX() returns false:

        if (!Platform.shouldSAAttach()) {
            if (Platform.isOSX()) {
                if (Platform.isSignedOSX()) {
                    throw new SkippedException("SA attach not expected to work. JDK is signed.");
                } else if (SATestUtils.canAddPrivileges()) {
                    needPrivileges = true;
            if (!needPrivileges)  {
               // Skip the test if we don't have enough permissions to attach
               // and cannot add privileges.
               throw new SkippedException(
                   "SA attach not expected to work. Insufficient privileges.");

So basically it does a runtime check of vm.hasSAandCanAttach, and if it fails then checks if running with sudo will work. This allows for either a passwordless sudo to be used when running clhsdb, or for the user to be prompted for the sudo password (note I've remove support for the latter with my changes).

That brings us to the CR that is being fixed. ClhsdbLauncher tests support sudo and will therefore run with our CI testing on OSX, but the 25 or so tests that use "@requires vm.hasSAandCanAttach" do not, and therefore are never run with our CI OSX testing. The changes in this webrev fix that.

There are two possible approaches to the fix. One is having the check for sudo be done as part of the vm.hasSAandCanAttach evaluation. The other approach is to do the check in the test at runtime similar to how ClhsdbLauncher currently does. This would mean just using "@requires vm.hasSA" for all the tests instead of "@requires vm.hasSAandCanAttach". I chose the later because there is an advantage to throwing SkippedException rather than just silently skipping the test using @requires. The advantage is that mdash tells you how many tests were skipped, and when you hover over the reason you can see the SkippedException message, which will differentiate between reasons like the JDK was signed or there are insufficient privileges. If all the checking was done by the vm.hasSAandCanAttach evaluation, you would not know why the test wasn't run.

The "support" related changes made are all in the following 3 files. The rest of the changes are in the tests:


You'll noticed that one change I made to the sudo support in SATestUtils.canAddPrivileges() is to make sudo non-interactive, which means no password prompt. So that means either the user does not require a password, or the credentials have been cached. Otherwise the sudo check will fail. On most platforms if you execute a sudo command, the credentials are cached for 5 minutes. So if your user is not setup for passwordless sudo, then a sudo command can be issued before running the tests, and will likely remain cached until the test is run. The reason for using passwordless is because prompting in the middle of running tests can be confusing (you usually walk way once launching the tests and miss the prompt anyway), and avoids unnecessary delays in automated testing due to waiting for the password prompt to timeout (it used to wait 1 minute).

There are essentially 3 types of tests that SA Attach to a process, each needing a slightly different fix:

1. Tests that directly launch a jdk.hotspot.agent class, such as TestClassDump.java. They need to call SATestUtils.checkAttachOk() to verify that attaching will be possible, and then SATestUtils.addPrivilegesIfNeeded(pb) to get the sudo command added if needed.They also need to switch from using hasSAandCanAttach to using hasSA.

2. Tests that launch command line tools such has jhsdb. They need to call SATestUtils.checkAttachOk() to verify that attaching will be possible, and then SATestUtils.createProcessBuilder() to create a process that will be launched using sudo if necessary.They also need to switch from using hasSAandCanAttach to using hasSA.

3. Tests that use ClhsdbLauncher. They already use hasSA instead of hasSAandCanAttach, and rely on ClhsdbLauncher to do check at runtime if attaching will work, so for the most part all the these tests are unchanged. ClhsdbLauncher was modified to take advantage of the new SATestUtils.createProcessBuilder() and SATestUtils.checkAttachOk() APIs.

Some tests required special handling:


- These two tests SA Attach to a core file, not to a process, so only need hasSA,
  not hasSAandCanAttach. No other changes were needed.


- The output should never be null. If the test was skipped due to lack of privileges, you
  would never get to this section of the test.


- These are ClhsdbLauncher tests, so they should have been using hasSA instead of
  hasSAandCanAttachin the first place. No other changes were needed.


- These tests used to "@require mac" but seem run fine on OSX, so I removed this requirement.


- This test had a runtime check to not run on OSX due to not having core file stack
  walking support. However, this tests always attaches to a process, not a core file,
  and seems to run just fine on OSX.


- I changed the test to throw a SkippedException if it gets the unexpected error code
  rather than just println.

And a few other miscellaneous changes not already covered:

- Made canPtraceAttachLinux() public so it can be called from SATestUtils.
- vm.hasSAandCanAttach is now gone.



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