There's been a few changes made in the last 24 hours that simplify the
work required to write a JBI compliant component using

Firstly there's a new base class you can use, DefaultComponent, which
merges the functionality from BaseComponent and BaseLifecycle together
into a single simple class; which can also deal with endpoints being
configured via xbean and auto-create a ServiceUnit and a deployer etc.

Secondly the jbi-maven-plugin can now copy the DefaultBootstrap class
into your components jar (the bootstrap class needs to be inside the
component's jar and not be dependent on any other library to avoid
classloader issues in JBI) - so you just need to omit the
<bootstrapClass> element and the maven plugin will do the rest for

So now writing fully JBI components is a relatively simple matter of
writing a component which derives from DefaultComponent and provides
one or more Endpoint implementation classes. To get a feel for how
this fits together, I refactored the servicemix-saxon component
(apologies if I've broken anything but the test cases do seem to work
still :). I've also started a port of the file component to
servicemix-file (currently only writing is supported - I'll have a go
at supporting polling etc later today).

Am wondering if we can simplify any further; we could maybe add a
helper facade above this maybe - but this certainly reduces the amount
of code required to write new, well behaved JBI components.


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