I thought I'd spin up another thread on this...

On 8/23/07, Brian O'Neill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/22/07, Nodet Guillaume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Exchanges can be created using the Channel#createExchange method.
> > The only change I'd like to
> > integrate in the messaging API is to allow for non xml payloads and
> > maybe untyped attachments.  The body
> > could be converted automatically to a given type if supported (I
> > think Camel does it nicely, so I'm thinking of
> > shamelessly copying the converter layer).  I have added a few helper
> > methods on the exchanges and
> > messages (copy, copyFrom, ensureReReadable, display) to ease message
> > management.
> >
> I haven't looked at Camel converters, but would you consider adding a
> contentType and contentEncoding mimicing the headers of HTTP & SIP.
> The endpoint can then use the type and encoding to determine how to
> handle the content.

Incidentally thats come up recently in Camel too; the type converter
stuff is so useful, folks wanna use it for many different things when
the Java class/interface is not enough to specify a conversion. e.g.
convert to Java Object using JAXB2 versus serialization versus SOAP

I guess this is no longer type conversion, but more content conversion
- so maybe a separate API is required. But certainly folks wanna be
able to do things like

// specify the required Java type and content type
InputStream in = message.getBody(InputStream.class, "application/xml");

But am wondering if for things like content type / content encoding
stuff we need a separate kind of mechanism than the Java type
conversion stuff; or if we could just extend the model to include
content type as well?


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