BTW I've added an integration test for the bridge sample...

which from a single spring XML boots up an ActiveMQ broker, ServiceMix
with some components and the SA and then Camel to do some integration
testing (though I've not yet completed the Camel stuff to fire
messages into the bridge then do some Mock endpoint testing to ensure
things work as expected).

On 25/09/2007, James Strachan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've taken a first stab at adding an easy way of integration testing
> JBI artifacts (shared libraries, components and service assemblies)
> using a simple Spring XML notation that can be included into any JUnit
> test case...
> This allows you to depend on artifacts using their maven groupId and
> artifactId and then the version is inferred (using the generated
> META-INF/maven/ via the jbi-maven-plugin).
> My idea was to show how we can boot up servicemix with some artifacts
> from the local repo, then use Camel to fire in messages and make
> assertions and so forth to test that the JBI artifacts actually deploy
> correctly and do what is expected etc.
> Feedback most appreciated if this can be improved...
> --
> James
> -------
> Open Source SOA


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