
Hans, could explain what you mean by this >>>>>>
... login form, you can also save the method.

Sans adieu,
Danny Rubis

Hans Bergsten wrote:

> "L. Turetsky" wrote:
> > [...]
> > I've written two such servlet-based systems in the past, both with the
> > following design pattern:
> > All login-required servlets sub-class from an abstract class called
> > LoginServlet, whose service() method does the following:
> >         if login info (name&password) is in request, check the info
> >                 if valid, store a Login object in Session & call super.service() 
> > calls doGet/doPost)
> >                 else, show a login screen
> >         else if user is already logged in (i.e., there is a Login object in the
> > Session), call super.service() (which calls doGet/doPost)
> >         else, show a login screen
> > [...]
> >
> > When the login screen is presented, all the parameter fields in the request
> > (except name/password) are encoded in the login form as INPUT
> > TYPE="HIDDEN", and the FORM ACTION= HttpServletRequest.getRequestURI()
> > (i.e., the servlet they were trying to access, since it subclasses
> > LoginServlet). That way, once the login is authenticated, the user's data
> > is passed to the servlet s/he was trying to access.
> > [...]
> > OK, so what's the problem?
> >
> > Well, to keep the request un-changed, the login page's FORM METHOD= should
> > be HttpServletRequest.getMethod(). However, in the case of GET requests,
> > the resulting URL contains the username and password (e.g.,
> > http://www.myserver.com/servlet/SubClassOfLoginServlet?userName=lenny&passwo
> > rd=1234567890). Which makes my boss/client unhappy.
> > As a band-aid fix, I'm turning all requests into POSTs, but that's kind of
> > "rude", as some sub-class servlets may behave differently in the case of
> > POST than GET.
> > [...]
> > Can anyone think of a work-around or alternative design pattern that would
> > still allow for the benefits of the system outlined above?
> I like the approach of preserving the original params as hidden fields,
> and I agree that you need to invoke the original request with the original
> method. Browsers treats POST and GET very differently when it comes to reloading
> the page, caching, etc. I haven't tested, but would something like this work.
> Besides saving all parameters as hidden fields in the login form, you can also
> save the method. The login form itself use POST to avoid the username/password
> in the URL. In the LoginServlet service method you do the authentication as
> before, but only call super.service() if the original request was a POST.
> If the original request was a GET, you do a redirect() with all the original
> parameters instead.
> Hans
> --
> Hans Bergsten           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Gefion Software         http://www.gefionsoftware.com
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