Steve McMahon, on 2009-09-04:
> My guess is that before running the migration, you visited the control panel
> and changed some property that's new with 3.1.5 (possibly inline editing?).
> That caused a property to get created in one of the property sheets. When
> the migration tried to create it, it failed.
> If you can, revert to the original database, and make sure you run the
> migration before changing anything else.

The traceback shows that the 3.1.4-3.1.5 migration applies this
profile: profile-Products.CMFPlone.migrations:3.1.3-3.1.4 which is
a bit inconsistent, but it should still work.

That profile indeed adds the enable_inline_editing property to
portal_properties/site_properties.  So removing that property and then
doing the migration again should work fine.

I would expect the upgrade not to falter here though: the property is
there already, so what?

Maurits van Rees |
            Work |
"This is your day, don't let them take it away." [Barlow Girl]

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