You may find this to be a better guide.

It's nominally about upgrading from pre-buildout systems, but everything is
equally applicable to a major version change.

On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 9:14 AM, John Reese <> wrote:

> I have a standalone Plone 3.3.5 site that I need to migrate to
> standalone 4.0.1. The current site has few add-on products. I am trying
> to follow the documentation at:
> Starting with section, Upgrading Plone 3x to 4x:
> This guide certainly doesn't state what the author thought was obvious.
> I'm trying to trace back these assumptions so that I can work with this
> document.
> I'm trying to do the upgrade on a test server. I built 3.3.5, put in the
> add-ons, and performed the first step of upgrade stated by the
> documentation - modification of buildout.cfg inside Plone 3.3.5. (I
> think the document is referring to the 3.3.5 buildout.cfg - it's not
> clear.)
> The next step has me completely lost. According to the document, I
> should now be Updating Add-on Products for Plone 4: Detecting Plone 4.
> WAIT! I modified buildout.cfg in 3.3.5 but I haven't run the
> bin/buildout command yet! None of the changes have taken effect! Why did
> I modify buildout.cfg in the first place?
> And what's this about Plone 4? I haven't installed it yet. (Actually, I
> have it on a separate server, but not on the test server.) Should it be
> present on my test server as a side-by-side install of Plone? The
> document doesn't say.
> And what is this weird statement in Detecting Plone 4:
>        Here is an example how to detect Plone 4 during imports. Then
>        you can use PLONE_VERSION variable for making different code
>        paths.
>        try:
>            # Plone 4 and higher
>            import
>            PLONE_VERSION = 4
>        except ImportError:
>            PLONE_VERSION = 3
> Looks like a script, but what script? In Plone 3x or 4x? And why am I doing
> this instead of preparing the 3x data for export?
> At this point I'm triangulating so many unstated steps that decided to ask
> for your help rather than proceed. How do you really upgrade Plone?
> John Reese
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