On 3/7/2011 5:26 PM, Neil Gibbs wrote:

I'm having difficulty running buildout against the plone.org
<http://plone.org> distro when I try to run it on a Windows Server 2008
R2 machine. The same setup works on my development machine (Win 7
Ultimate). Here is the versions section of buildout.cfg:

extends-cache = buildout-cache/extends
extends =


On both machines, I've run PowerShell as Administrator and run buildout
-Nv. On the Server 2008 machine, I've also set PowerShell to run as
"Unrestricted." Finally, the network admins that host the Win 2008
machine claim all relevant ports are open and all security settings are
set appropriately.

However, the following error comes up when I run buildout on the Server
2008 machine:

"Download error: [Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the
connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or
established connection failed because connected host has failed to
respond -- Some packages may not be found!"

Again, this works just fine on my Win 7 development machine.

Has anyone who runs a buildout-based Plone on Windows had this issue? A
look through all event logs (system, network, PowerShell, etc.) turns up


Neil Gibbs

Setup mailing list


Your error sounds like either a problem with trying to download a package from a repository that's down or a firewall issue. You could try again (you probably already have) to see if the site comes back up. Otherwise, your firewall may be blocking the web request (but that should show up in your security logs...)

Can you run the standard Plone Windows Installer on the Server machine? You could try that just as a test.

Not much help, maybe, but let me know if you can find more info from your logs, etc.

Larry Pitcher
Catapult Solutions

Web:    www.catapultsolutions.net
Email:  larry.pitc...@gmail.com
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