On 3/17/11 8:50 AM, Denis Bitouzé wrote:

in a Plone 3.1 site, I have created a form with PloneFormGen and I'd
like the user to be automatically redirected to its URL (let say
http://<my_site>/forms/my_join_form) when he visits the
http://<my_site>/join_form URL.

I noticed that it is possible to customize the join_form Page Template
and to deal with some 'redirect_to' actions in the 'Actions' tab, but
they are for redirections /after/ and not /before/ submission of the
corresponding form.

Could you please let me know a trick for this purpose?

In a default Plone 'join' is handled as a user action.
It is defined on the actions tool ('portal_actions').

If you go to the ZMI -> portal_actions and select
the 'user' category you will find under 'join' the
definition of the action.
Change the URL (Expression) in that definition to
point wherever you want.


Thanks in anticipation.

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